hi - i’m halle cisco

I’m a designer, illustrator and educator with experience working for a wide range of creative clients. I’ve had the opportunity to spend the last several years defining my design and illustrative style for both client and personal projects. Accomplished across a wide spectrum of design platforms, with projects ranging from packaging design, web design, advertising campaigns, and brand identity to environmental graphics.

Thanks for looking at my work! You can contact me at: hcisco@gmail.com

My work includes the use industry standard design software, production design, typography, printing & pre-press, branding, infographics, illustration, brand management, design strategy, lead development, proposal presentations and project management.

Partial Client List:
AIGA Portland, Audinate, Burke Decor, Caldera Arts, Condé Nast Corporate, Condé Nast Traveler, Dante, GQ, HealthCo.com, Heather Lenz Filmz, KinderCare, NWEA, Ocean Conservancy, Reading Frenzy, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Siempre Mujer, Sleepscore Lab, Teach For America, The Right Brain Initiative, Trimble, Viewpoint, Walla Walla Vintners