NWEA / Education Week Advertisement
NWEA creates evidence-based assessment and learning solutions that respond to the needs of all learners. Their products include MAP Growth, MAP Skills and MAP Reading Fluency. Each product provides educators with data that help them understand where their students are in their learning. Education Week is the #1 source of non-partisan, high-quality news, and insights covering the K-12 education sector with 1.6+ million readers.
Design Layout
NWEA partnered with Education Week to create a 4 page advertisement that helps provide educators with an overview of the benefits of the MAP Growth and MAP Skills products. The cover wrap showcased NWEA's rebrand that incorporated photography from schools that use the NWEA assessments and custom icons and illustrations. The tagline Measuring What Matters is an important element that supports NWEA’s mission. Illustrations © Adam Simpson and Heart 2017.